Capacity Planning - WFManagement


Capacity Planning

Check out BLAIR MURPHY's excellent 2 part series on the basics of CAPACITY PLANNING

PART 1 of 2

In its simplest form a Capacity plan translates high level business plans into resource requirements, forecasted operating costs, predicting staff surplus and deficits, recruitment needs and service level delivery – for between 3-18 months ahead dependent upon type of business unit. The methodology requires no specialised software but is dependent upon a centres process architecture and it is only possible to plan to the lowest level of granularity at which robust data is readily available.

Here are some of the outputs possible with WFM capacity planning:

  • 18 month rolling view of:
    • FTE and desk requirements
    • FTE and desk costs
    • Forecast FTE surplus/deficit
    • Indicative service level delivery forecasts
    • Forecast recruitment needs and/or FTE movement/overtime
    • Non-FTE cost requirements
    • Projected actual expenses against budget
  • Plans fully aligned to:
    • Operations’ processes and structures
    • Short term planning (scheduling)
    • Operations’ budgets
Check out Specific Capacity Planning Posts Here